Sunday, July 22, 2018

Energy Healing When Your Doctor Cannot Find What’s Wrong

I had a friend that was having severe pain on his left side from his ear to his chest and back. He had gone to the Doctor and they had given him and MRI, x-rays and cat scan all of them were clear. At this point I offered to do a healing on him. After the healing the pain had significantly decreased. By the third healing the pain was gone. He has been pain free for almost four years!

Link to full article!

Tracy Gohrick
Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach

Sunday, July 8, 2018


While trying to figure out what to write about A few things kept coming up. First one being how to change the world.  It seems like such a huge task and people are overwhelmed. The second one that kept coming up was help yourself first.  Be the light for others.  To be the light and be able to raise the vibrations we need to help ourselves first.

Tracy Gohrick
Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach