Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Peace for people everywhere is upon us


Peace for people everywhere is upon us.  Patience will bring in the peace for those who wish to have that connection with the divine spirit within themselves .  Allowing others along their path will only enhance your path.  Being one with  yourself to bring fourth the light will generate new beginnings in those who have chosen a slower path.

Forgiveness of yourself and others only brings peace.  To say you have healed is only the beginning if you have not forgiven yourself.

Clarity will come with confidence in yourself and your beginnings of the new future.

It is now upon you to move forward spread your light and enjoy all that it brings fourth.

From the Ascended Beings of Light.

Channeled by Tracy Gohrick

tracy@tracygohrick.com Website: https://tracygohrick.com/ You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC55c8cSkj0iJiZUHw_wlTbw?view_as=subscriber