Monday, November 5, 2012

Trusting In Yourself

Trust In Yourself!

As I have developed my spirituality I have gone through some trials which has led me to trust in only myself.  Now of course I still go talk seek advice from others, but I take it in and discern what fits me and what does not.

I have had people in my life in which I thought they knew everything.  I believed every word they told me.  Well I came to the conclusion that there is not one person on earth who knows everything about ME.

We all come to earth and have our different gifts and abilities.  There are those of us here to help people along their path.  None of us were sent here to be the ONE person who knows everything for you.  YOU are the only person that can do that.

Now I am not saying that you should not go and seek help from others.  What I am saying is go get the information, take it in and see what feels right to you. 

In the past this is something I have really struggled with.  I did not trust myself.  I doubted  what I was feeling when things did not feel right.  Well guess what I can look back now and those doubts I had were right. 

There is a saying that I have heard it in almost every class and I use it in my classes also “take what feels right to you and leave the rest.”   If we can really listen to what this means and really take what feels right to US and leave what does not the whole plan would work very well.

Nobody was sent here to have all the answers for you.  We are here on earth to learn.  How can we learn if we give someone else outside of ourselves all the power with their answers?  Spiritual leaders can give you guidance and tell you some things but not all things.

So go seek help and get advice but take it, feel it, and then decide what to keep and what to leave.

Written by Tracy Gohrick
Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube: