The Whole Story 12-16-12
Please bare with me as this message might be long but it has been quite a process these past few days for me and I wanted to share it with all of you.
In the middle of the night Thursday night to Friday morning on 12-14-12. I awoke to a panic feeling and I was trying to push out white light and it was not working. I then called in the Christ light and was immediately relieved.
The next morning I awoke and went about my day. Later in the morning my husband came home and told me about the shooting in the Connecticut school. I watched only briefly as being a sensitive it was very difficult for me to watch. I again went on with my day.
That night I had someone come to me who was having trouble with the Connecticut shooting. They were very upset and they had the feeling that they were being shone what happened. This person was talking to some of the children that were in the tragedy. They were trying to show this person what had happened and give them a message. It was difficult for this person to see and hear. There was a message there and we were trying to figure it out. One of the messages was not to condemn or be hateful and angry with the shooter. The person that got this information said that his guides and the children were happy now that he had given me this information.
I went to bed with this all of this information wondering why they were happy now that I had the information. One possible reason is this person does not have the capability to put the information out and I do.
The next morning when I got up I had an email from a friend of mine Deborah Wyche. I will copy and paste it below:
Dear Tracy:
Good Morning and happy Saturday.
I hope you and your family are well
and enjoying the HOLIDAY season.
This morning in meditation I got this message.
As I continued with my healings and prayers, "they" said to
share this with you and ask you what you
think. So here is my message from my guides.
I asked the "gang" about all this shooting and here's
what they said.
They said that fear is negative and we collectively
have fear of going to the mall, going to the movies
and going to school. Fear feeds the dark side.
We are mad and hate the man who did this.
Hate feeds the dark side.
We are judging him and being judgmental
feeds the dark side.
So we need to pray really hard and send all
the people in Connecticut light and hold them
in the light. We also need to hold ourselves
in the light and keep our minds neutral
in all of this.
We will be sad, as that is a natural response.
We will mourn along with the people effected
BUT we must hold them in love and prayer
and ourselves along with them. It is hard,
but the more we have negative thoughts, the
more it poisons the collective consciousness.
Remember the law of attraction. What you
think about, you bring about. Bring about
love and peace, not hate and judgment and
fear. Fear is the worst emotion of all.
SO...pray and send light and keep a neutral
outlook. Every thoughts has power. Let your
thoughts be of love and healing, not fear and
condemnation. Share only positivity and share it with all.
I am interested in what your feelings about this are. And
if your guides have anything to add.
Love and light to you...XOXOXOXOX deb
At this point its like a brick over the head. Ok I need to do something. I had to help my son all day get ready for finals. Every so often during the day I could feel my guides trying to get through to me. I kept telling them I will do it this evening and they would rest on it for a bit. As the evening was winding down and the work with my son was coming to a close I could feel them coming around again. I again found another reason to procrastinate and went looking for phones on the internet. They again backed off but as I was nearing the end of looking for the phones they came back. I finally gave in and channeled a message from Sananda. If you don’t know who Sananda is Jesus here on earth.
I will copy and paste that message below:
My beloved ones. The times are difficult. Please stay in a place of peace. No anger or frustration will help the situations. The time is now to act upon yourself for guidance to get the whole picture as to what has been displayed at this time. Uncover your truths and leap ahead with the comfort of knowing we are here to help and guide you. The time is now to start your new journey to seek the truth that you have for yourself. To reach to new heights with an outstanding leap of faith gaining momentum that will last and keep you going into the new era. Bring fourth the list of answers you have and seek the guidance that you deserve. Be at the up most conscious with all that is around you. To be in the faith that all happens as it is suppose to will do you well. Be forgiving. Be faithful and know that everything has a purpose. Do not allow the negativity to bring you down to the level that sparks you into a tailspin out of control. The time is now to reach out to family and friends comfort them bring them peace and help them along their path. Be advised that the truth is not what it appears to be. Listen to yourself go deep within to find the truth in all things. Be concerned with the feelings you have that make you feel off. Be fruitful with the apprehensions you may have. Be courageous with your actions they will bring you the strength you need to go on. .The time is now to act with kindness and love. Bring it fourth to those who really need it. The time has come to bring fourth the messengers feel the messages depict them to find out what is right for you. Allow only what feels right to you to enter into your consciousness.
Be prepared for the coming of the ages that has been prophesied. Engage yourself in love. Surround yourself with love of family and friends. Allow yourself time to be sad. Rejoice in the beauty of things that are to come. It is a beautiful time here on earth. Dream big and allow yourself the time for thought. Bring into action the dreams that you have.
It is a beautiful time allow yourself the beauty to feel it.
Be patient with yourself and others around you during this time of transition.
Avoid the judgments as in the transition it will only do more harm than good.
May the peace of the lord be with you always.
I am Sananda
Channeled by Tracy 12-15-12
So feeling good I went to bed feeling and hoping I was done. Well no I was not. The information up until this point is not information I would put out to the general public. It will go on my blog and on my facebook work page but not my personal page.
That being said I was then guided to come up with something to put out to the general public.
Below is what I will put out for the general public as soon as I am done with this message:
During this time of healing from the tragedy in Connecticut, first of all send prayers for healing and peace for the families involved, including all of the first responders and all the people involved in helping at the school. Secondly we need to remember that these children and the shooter sacrificed themselves so that we as a human race would learns something from it. What we are to learn is going to be different for each person. A good way to try and understand what it is for you to learn would be to, pull in the Christ light, surround yourself with it, quiet your mind, and ask what is it that I am suppose to learn from this. My prayer is that we all find peace, healing and love for one another.
Written by Tracy Gohrick 12-16-12
I was also guided to put the story out of everything that happened here so people will see the whole story. My hope is to take what you feel is right for you and leave the rest.
Love and Light
Tracy Gohrick
Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach
You Tube:
Sunday, December 16, 2012
During This Time of Healing
During this time of healing from the tragedy in Connecticut, first of all send prayers for healing and peace for the families involved, including all of the first responders and all the people involved in helping at the school. Secondly we need to remember that these children and the shooter sacrificed themselves so that we as a human race would learn something from it. What we are to learn is going to be different for each person. A good way to try and understand what it is for you to learn would be to, pull in the Christ light, surround yourself with it, quiet your mind, and ask what is it that I am suppose to learn from this. My prayer is that we all find peace, healing and love for one another.
Written by Tracy Gohrick 12-16-12
Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Written by Tracy Gohrick 12-16-12
Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Me Beloved Ones a message from Sananda
My beloved ones. The times are difficult. Please stay in a place of peace. No anger or frustration will help the situations. The time is now to act upon yourself for guidance to get the whole picture as to what has been displayed at this time. Uncover your truths and leap ahead with the comfort of knowing we are here to help and guide you. The time is now to start your new journey to seek the truth that you have for yourself. To reach to new heights with an outstanding leap of faith gaining momentum that will last and keep you going into the new era. Bring fourth the list of answers you have and seek the guidance that you deserve. Be at the up most conscious with all that is around you. To be in the faith that all happens as it is suppose to will do you well. Be forgiving. Be faithful and know that everything has a purpose. Do not allow the negativity to bring you down to the level that sparks you into a tailspin out of control. The time is now to reach out to family and friends comfort them bring them peace and help them along their path. Be advised that the truth is not what it appears to be. Listen to yourself go deep within to find the truth in all things. Be concerned with the feelings you have that make you feel off. Be fruitful with the apprehensions you may have. Be courageous with your actions they will bring you the strength you need to go on. .The time is now to act with kindness and love. Bring it fourth to those who really need it. The time has come to bring fourth the messengers feel the messages depict them to find out what is right for you. Allow only what feels right to you to enter into your consciousness.
Be prepared for the coming of the ages that has been prophesied. Engage yourself in love. Surround yourself with love of family and friends. Allow yourself time to be sad. Rejoice in the beauty of things that are to come. It is a beautiful time here on earth. Dream big and allow yourself the time for thought. Bring into action the dreams that you have.
It is a beautiful time allow yourself the beauty to feel it.
Be patient with yourself and others around you during this time of transition.
Avoid the judgments as in the transition it will only do more harm than good.
May the peace of the lord be with you always.
I am Sananda
Channeled by Tracy 12-15-12 Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Be prepared for the coming of the ages that has been prophesied. Engage yourself in love. Surround yourself with love of family and friends. Allow yourself time to be sad. Rejoice in the beauty of things that are to come. It is a beautiful time here on earth. Dream big and allow yourself the time for thought. Bring into action the dreams that you have.
It is a beautiful time allow yourself the beauty to feel it.
Be patient with yourself and others around you during this time of transition.
Avoid the judgments as in the transition it will only do more harm than good.
May the peace of the lord be with you always.
I am Sananda
Channeled by Tracy 12-15-12 Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Monday, November 5, 2012
Trusting In Yourself
Trust In Yourself!
As I have developed my spirituality I have gone through some trials which has led me to trust in only myself. Now of course I still go talk seek advice from others, but I take it in and discern what fits me and what does not.
I have had people in my life in which I thought they knew everything. I believed every word they told me. Well I came to the conclusion that there is not one person on earth who knows everything about ME.
We all come to earth and have our different gifts and abilities. There are those of us here to help people along their path. None of us were sent here to be the ONE person who knows everything for you. YOU are the only person that can do that.
Now I am not saying that you should not go and seek help from others. What I am saying is go get the information, take it in and see what feels right to you.
In the past this is something I have really struggled with. I did not trust myself. I doubted what I was feeling when things did not feel right. Well guess what I can look back now and those doubts I had were right.
There is a saying that I have heard it in almost every class and I use it in my classes also “take what feels right to you and leave the rest.” If we can really listen to what this means and really take what feels right to US and leave what does not the whole plan would work very well.
Nobody was sent here to have all the answers for you. We are here on earth to learn. How can we learn if we give someone else outside of ourselves all the power with their answers? Spiritual leaders can give you guidance and tell you some things but not all things.
So go seek help and get advice but take it, feel it, and then decide what to keep and what to leave.
Written by Tracy Gohrick
Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Bring forth the messengers
Bring forth the messengers. This is a call for those who feel it to come forward, bring your light and energy out at this time. It is not time to sit placating your energy. Move it, feel it, show it, and honor it. The gifts that each individual has been given has now been opened and ready to use. Use them treat them with respect and help humanity move forward through the darkness that they may feel.
It is only the beginning. Press forward with confidence in yourself. Do not be afraid of mistakes they help you grow and mature into the light being that you are.
Provide yourself with the respect and knowledge to know it will be ok no matter what happens.
Always be kind to yourself and others the journey is a difficult one and to master it we must put our efforts forth becoming one with everything that is.
Channeled by Tracy Gohrick 10-9-12 Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Some things to think about
Some things to think about!
What if God asked some people to come to earth and be gay to teach us tolerance?
What if we asked someone to be gay in our life to teach us tolerance?
What if we asked the people who have hurt us one way or another to be in our life to teach us whatever lesson we learned from that situation?
What if everything we thought we knew to be true was not?
What if we had to relearn everything we thought we already knew about life, love and God?
What if us being on earth was just lessons for us to learn to move forward in our souls plan and as long as you love one another and treat one another with respect you were not doing any wrong?
Imagine a world where everyone would look inside themselves to see, feel and know what is true and what God really wants from us!
By Tracy Gohrick Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
What if God asked some people to come to earth and be gay to teach us tolerance?
What if we asked someone to be gay in our life to teach us tolerance?
What if we asked the people who have hurt us one way or another to be in our life to teach us whatever lesson we learned from that situation?
What if everything we thought we knew to be true was not?
What if we had to relearn everything we thought we already knew about life, love and God?
What if us being on earth was just lessons for us to learn to move forward in our souls plan and as long as you love one another and treat one another with respect you were not doing any wrong?
Imagine a world where everyone would look inside themselves to see, feel and know what is true and what God really wants from us!
By Tracy Gohrick Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Energies and How They are Affecting
Energies and How They are Affecting
While noticing the energies and how they are affecting people and how people are treating each other I got a little down so I channeled a message that I thought I would share.
The energies are in a constant flux at this time. This will cause the paranoia which in turn is making people be more difficult to others in their actions. The tides are turning and beginning to help and subside some of this but it still may be worse before it gets better. Allow yourself time for the healing and try not to let others bring you down with their own thoughts and actions. Persuade yourself to think more positively and remember the others are in their own journey.
Peace will always win if you can keep the constant within your life. People everywhere will feel the love from you if you can hold it within you. This alone will provide the safety that people are looking for at this time.
Channeled by Tracy Gohrick 8-8-12
Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Peace for people everywhere is upon us
Peace for people everywhere is upon us. Patience will bring in the peace for those who wish to have that connection with the divine spirit within themselves . Allowing others along their path will only enhance your path. Being one with yourself to bring fourth the light will generate new beginnings in those who have chosen a slower path.
Forgiveness of yourself and others only brings peace. To say you have healed is only the beginning if you have not forgiven yourself.
Clarity will come with confidence in yourself and your beginnings of the new future.
It is now upon you to move forward spread your light and enjoy all that it brings fourth.
From the Ascended Beings of Light.
Channeled by Tracy Gohrick Website: You Tube:
Peace for people everywhere is upon us. Patience will bring in the peace for those who wish to have that connection with the divine spirit within themselves . Allowing others along their path will only enhance your path. Being one with yourself to bring fourth the light will generate new beginnings in those who have chosen a slower path.
Forgiveness of yourself and others only brings peace. To say you have healed is only the beginning if you have not forgiven yourself.
Clarity will come with confidence in yourself and your beginnings of the new future.
It is now upon you to move forward spread your light and enjoy all that it brings fourth.
From the Ascended Beings of Light.
Channeled by Tracy Gohrick Website: You Tube:
Sunday, June 10, 2012
The peace pertaining
Universal Message
The peace pertaining to the persistent pressure may increase as time moves on and slowly integrates into the microcosms of the spiritual energy we are all a part of this movement to allow it to generate in us will move the process along in a more swift way.
The portal may be slow to open as the crossover will be quick. Be in your I am presence to see, sense feel when this may be nearing. Foresee that thoughts or actions may become more discontent as the time passes.
Quit putting off the issues that need to be dealt with. Allow them to come out as necessary release them and move on.
Be respectful of the place that others are in as it will be more difficult to do as time moves on and becomes more difficult. Faze out what is no longer needed in you. Release it again and move on. Only ask for help and we are always there.
The Ascended Masters and your guides.
Channeled by Tracy Gohrick 6-9-12 Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
The peace pertaining to the persistent pressure may increase as time moves on and slowly integrates into the microcosms of the spiritual energy we are all a part of this movement to allow it to generate in us will move the process along in a more swift way.
The portal may be slow to open as the crossover will be quick. Be in your I am presence to see, sense feel when this may be nearing. Foresee that thoughts or actions may become more discontent as the time passes.
Quit putting off the issues that need to be dealt with. Allow them to come out as necessary release them and move on.
Be respectful of the place that others are in as it will be more difficult to do as time moves on and becomes more difficult. Faze out what is no longer needed in you. Release it again and move on. Only ask for help and we are always there.
The Ascended Masters and your guides.
Channeled by Tracy Gohrick 6-9-12 Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
The process of peace
The process of peace is allowing others to believe in what they want to believe in. Forgetting everything you have learned and allow others to be what they are. This is what is needed most from you at this time.
Do not judge others for their choices. They are here to help you learn tolerance .
They came as a gift for you to help you learn and grow. Please remember the joy in your heart and think of all others as a part of you.
Everyone was sent here for a different purpose none the same so don’t be in judgment of others that you do not understand.
Through time you have always been challenged with imperfections in life allow them to be who they are. The gift is so magical if you just let them be and live your life without judgment of others.
The peace of the world will open up dramatically if everyone can remember this.
I am Sananda.
Channeled by Tracy 5-9-12
Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Do not judge others for their choices. They are here to help you learn tolerance .
They came as a gift for you to help you learn and grow. Please remember the joy in your heart and think of all others as a part of you.
Everyone was sent here for a different purpose none the same so don’t be in judgment of others that you do not understand.
Through time you have always been challenged with imperfections in life allow them to be who they are. The gift is so magical if you just let them be and live your life without judgment of others.
The peace of the world will open up dramatically if everyone can remember this.
I am Sananda.
Channeled by Tracy 5-9-12
Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Beginning the process now to allow more light and energy
Beginning the process now to allow more light and energy into you is most important. Help yourself in order to help those around you. To do this you will be able to wade through all of the negativity more eloquently than you have been able to in the past. Persistence with this will help you achieve your goal. Allowing others to choose or tell you what to do is not the answer. Only you can think for yourself and only you and your higher self and God truly know what is best for you at this time. Others may come close but only you will know the truth.
Making the changes now in your life will allow you some time to assimilate before the larger energies start to come in.
With lifelong lessons out of the way you can better improve your thoughts to allow the higher energy to enter into you at this time.
Peace will connect you to the others as this marvelous change begins unfolding more rapidly.
Forging though is what needs to be done at this time. Keep moving forward as best you can. These things are all possible with the help of healing and allowing what is to happen.
Bring the joy into your life and others it is what is most needed for the earth and people on her at this time.
Channeled By Tracy Gohrick 5-9-12
Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Making the changes now in your life will allow you some time to assimilate before the larger energies start to come in.
With lifelong lessons out of the way you can better improve your thoughts to allow the higher energy to enter into you at this time.
Peace will connect you to the others as this marvelous change begins unfolding more rapidly.
Forging though is what needs to be done at this time. Keep moving forward as best you can. These things are all possible with the help of healing and allowing what is to happen.
Bring the joy into your life and others it is what is most needed for the earth and people on her at this time.
Channeled By Tracy Gohrick 5-9-12
Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Monday, April 16, 2012
Being in the process of change
Being in the process of change is causing so much discomfort for the human race. It is intelligent in the ways of the universe but not strong enough in the ways of the spiritual manifestations that need to take place.
Recover from the changes and allow them to reconnect you to the source. Allow yourself the struggles to help bring you back into balance. These changes will come more frequently now. Be prepared and know what is going on.
Allow those around you to experience what they need to. Remember their actions are only a response for the anxiety and stress. Help and send them love and light when you are able and they are willing to accept.
Peace will make all things possible.
Channeled by Tracy Gohrick 4-16-12 Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Recover from the changes and allow them to reconnect you to the source. Allow yourself the struggles to help bring you back into balance. These changes will come more frequently now. Be prepared and know what is going on.
Allow those around you to experience what they need to. Remember their actions are only a response for the anxiety and stress. Help and send them love and light when you are able and they are willing to accept.
Peace will make all things possible.
Channeled by Tracy Gohrick 4-16-12 Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Be aware of your surroundings
Be aware of your surroundings as they may begin to change remember yourself and others around you. You will start to see things differently than you have in the past. Guidance is what you need to seek from your higher self at this time. Remember your own feeling and your energy and how it feels to you. Trust in yourself is all you need.
Be very careful of what it is you are trying to accomplish at this time. Work on things for the better of humanity or yourself. Things are manifesting so quickly you want it to be for the very best and highest that it can be. Keep your fellow man in mind with your thoughts. Keep them positive. Always strive for the highest and best of all that is at this great time of change.
Watch closely the energy in the situations you are putting yourself. Things will got more difficult as we move more deeply into this movement.
Mother earth is guiding us through the changes listen to her. Let her speak to you.
Be at peace with yourself and things will run much more smoothly for you.
Time will pass much to quickly try to enjoy all that there is to offer here leave no regrets move forward with they joy that is felt by all.
Channeled by Tracy 4-11-12 Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Be very careful of what it is you are trying to accomplish at this time. Work on things for the better of humanity or yourself. Things are manifesting so quickly you want it to be for the very best and highest that it can be. Keep your fellow man in mind with your thoughts. Keep them positive. Always strive for the highest and best of all that is at this great time of change.
Watch closely the energy in the situations you are putting yourself. Things will got more difficult as we move more deeply into this movement.
Mother earth is guiding us through the changes listen to her. Let her speak to you.
Be at peace with yourself and things will run much more smoothly for you.
Time will pass much to quickly try to enjoy all that there is to offer here leave no regrets move forward with they joy that is felt by all.
Channeled by Tracy 4-11-12 Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Friday, April 6, 2012
Faith is what will lead you
Faith is what will lead you. Your persistence will begin this process to evaluate what it is for you. Trust in yourself know yourself and believe in yourself. Most times are trying right now. Believe that all things will work out as they are supposed to. Be happy, be positive, help to raise the vibrations to help the others that do not understand. Forgive, heal, and move on. Remember always you have help, all you have to do is ask.
Channeled by Tracy
Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Channeled by Tracy
Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Premonitions begin to unfold
Premonitions begin to unfold. Place yourself in positions to move along quicker than you may have thought. Trust your intuition. Foresee the future for yourself and remember to give thanks for the information.
The thought process is new now, learn it, watch it, guide it. Remove yourself from the negativity. Reassemble the patterns that surround you for most are different at this time.
Remorse is not the answer forgiveness brings the release that is needed.
Channeled by Tracy
3-13-12 Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
The thought process is new now, learn it, watch it, guide it. Remove yourself from the negativity. Reassemble the patterns that surround you for most are different at this time.
Remorse is not the answer forgiveness brings the release that is needed.
Channeled by Tracy
3-13-12 Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Monday, March 5, 2012
Be precise in your thoughts
Be precise in your thoughts for they may get you in to trouble. Focus on the positive things that bring you joy. Neglect the others that do not bring harmony into your life. For reasons unknown to you things will change for the better. Trust yourself always trust yourself in your guidance..
Practice your gifts strengthen them help others as much as possible. Raise your energy an vibrations of everyone. Get the planet moving in the right direction.
Forgive, you can no longer hold onto this negativity so forgive those around you and yourself.
Have patience for those around you. There will be difficult times. Shield an protect yourself, finish those jobs that need to be finished. Time moves quickly. Trust and respect are a high priority at this time. Remove the negativity and push forward.
Always beginning with kindness.
Channeled by Tracy Gohrick
3-5-12 Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Practice your gifts strengthen them help others as much as possible. Raise your energy an vibrations of everyone. Get the planet moving in the right direction.
Forgive, you can no longer hold onto this negativity so forgive those around you and yourself.
Have patience for those around you. There will be difficult times. Shield an protect yourself, finish those jobs that need to be finished. Time moves quickly. Trust and respect are a high priority at this time. Remove the negativity and push forward.
Always beginning with kindness.
Channeled by Tracy Gohrick
3-5-12 Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Monday, February 27, 2012
Dimensional Changes
Times are hard. Place your self in a positive way. Things will begin to become more difficult as the dimensions change and move. Forget the past thoughts as they are no longer needed in this situation. Progress is eminent and you must adapt yourself to the new energy quickly. If you do not you will feel sick.
Remember to trust yourself take care of yourself.
Understand why things are happening. Why people are angry why they are confused. Many do not understand what is going on.
Help those that will take it. Lead them, show them, help protect them. Follow your heart and all will be well.
Channeled by Tracy
02-27-12 Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Remember to trust yourself take care of yourself.
Understand why things are happening. Why people are angry why they are confused. Many do not understand what is going on.
Help those that will take it. Lead them, show them, help protect them. Follow your heart and all will be well.
Channeled by Tracy
02-27-12 Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Things, places and people
Things, places and people all evolving in mass at this moment. We must
trust that inner self to make it through. Forgiveness and love is the
key to everything. Always remember your inner guidance.
Tracy Gohrick Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Tracy Gohrick Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Blessed are the ones
Blessed are the ones who are engineering the light to bring it fourth for the people of earth. They are beginning to feel the heaviness of the energy which brings them down. Do your best to bring the light to help bring them up.
Tracy Gohrick
Tracy Gohrick
Friday, January 20, 2012
Peace connects us all into one whole Universe!
Peace connects us all into one whole universe. Thoughts and actions help find peace in our daily lives. Keep the thoughts positive and relinquish the negative ones. People often think that they are misunderstood by the way they have acted this is truly something that is unable to be fixed. Trace your thoughts back to see the origin in which they come from. Behave in a way that makes yourself and others happier. Remember to always have the highest and best intentions for everything in your life. This is the beginning of the process for change. Keep these and other thoughts that are coming in a positive light.
Tracy Gohrick Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Tracy Gohrick Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Thursday, January 12, 2012
I Spread My Wings
There comes a time when the student must leave the teacher to move on and do what they were meant to do. The teacher should know they have done their best and let them go peacefully to fulfill their life's journey and spread their wings and fly. The student can never fully spread their wings while still with the teacher. So as my spiritual journey begins I take this moment to thank all the teachers in my life for all the lessons I have learned. I have grown so much. My hope is that they can appreciate everything they have given me and see how much I have grown and be at peace with all that they have done for me.
Now as I spread my wings and fly my hope for myself is I will remember this with my students and look with joy as they go off and spread their wings and fly.
Thank you and much love and peace to all my family especially my husband and 3 boys, friends and teachers who have all had a part in my journey.
Love and Light
Tracy Gohrick Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
Now as I spread my wings and fly my hope for myself is I will remember this with my students and look with joy as they go off and spread their wings and fly.
Thank you and much love and peace to all my family especially my husband and 3 boys, friends and teachers who have all had a part in my journey.
Love and Light
Tracy Gohrick Tracy Gohrick Energy Healer - Spiritual Mentor - Mindset Coach Email: Website: You Tube:
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